CPU SCHEDULING,Lottery Scheduling in Operating System CPU Scheduling

Lottery Scheduling in Operating System Best 1 Algo in CPU Scheduling

Introduction to lottery scheduling in operating system Lottery Scheduling in Operating System is a fascinating topic that plays a crucial role in managing processes efficiently. In this article, we will explore this scheduling algorithm, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of its operation, its advantages, and its real-world applications. Buckle Read more…

Contiguous Memory

Contiguous Memory and Non-contiguous Memory | best 2 Memory Management

Memory management is a critical aspect of operating systems, as it involves allocating and managing memory resources for programs and processes. Two fundamental memory management techniques used in operating systems are contiguous memory allocation and non-contiguous memory allocation. These techniques determine how memory is allocated and organized, affecting system performance, Read more…

multiprogramming operating system

What is Multiprogramming Operating Systems | 4 best Operating System

Multiprogramming Operating Systems: In the realm of operating systems, multiprogramming stands as a significant advancement that revolutionized the efficiency and utilization of computer resources. Multiprogramming operating systems enable the execution of multiple programs concurrently, harnessing the power of modern computers to enhance productivity and throughput. By efficiently managing resources and Read more…